Purchase a Resource Plan
Select Resource Plan
- Start by navigating to the Pricing page.
- Select the resource plan you want to order, and click the green Order button.
Configure Resource Plan
- Next, if you need extra resources, you can configure your resource plan with additional vCores or Storage by selecting your choice in the configuration sliders.
- Then, choose the billing cycle you want for your resource plan.
- Semi-annual and annual gives a 5 and 10% discount respectively.
Select Payment Method
- Next, select your preferred method of payment.
- Pay with PayPal will automatically enroll you in a subscription that charges your PayPal account at the end of each billing cycle.
- To cancel a pre-approved payment subscription with PayPal, follow the instructions provided here.
- Pay with Stripe enables us to charge your card automatically for future invoices. You can cancel this arrangement at any time by removing your card from your account.
Complete Purchase
- Next, if your choice of payment method is PayPal, simply click Complete Purchase. Once prompted, log in to your PayPal account, and confirm the purchase.
- If your choice of payment method is Stripe, you will be asked to fill in your credit/debit card details.
- Fill the form with your credit/debit card details:
- Description: An optional descriptive text shown for this card in your dashboard.
- Card number: 16 digits found on the front of your card.
- Expiration: 4 digits expiration date shown on the back of your card.
- CVC: 3 digits shown on the back of your card.
- Country: Country where your card is issued.
- ZIP: Postal ZIP code, only needed for certain countries.
- To confirm your purchase, click the Complete Purchase button.
See Invoice
- If successful, you should now see your invoice has been marked as PAID.
- You can now navigate to the Inventory, and create game servers by assigning resources from the plan you just purchased.
If you require further assistance, you can open a support ticket here!
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